Transitional Life Stage: This umbrella includes life’s unexpected turns. Perhaps you are transitioning to a new living arrangement, or you have accepted more responsibility at work, or you are changing from middle school to high school, or you are newly single after marriage, the list can go on and on. A number of events can throw you a curve ball, and with the right support, you can examine and prioritize your goals so that you can get back to some balance. Sometimes we need a little extra help to complete the process of deep personal examination, something that we can’t always do on our own.
Depression, Anxiety, and Other Mood Disorders: Depression and anxiety can be so intense that they can get in the way of living a full and meaningful life. Therapy can help you manage your symptoms during the inevitable wave of progress. If you are receiving medication, therapy can be a great resource for you to track improvements and communicate change in symptoms to your treating psychiatrist. The impact of mental health issues with one member will affect the whole family. Family therapy will help the individual living with mental illness to better communicate his or her needs and educate the family on how best to give their support.
Treatment of Trauma: The process of therapy provides an opportunity to talk about the traumatic event in a safe environment so you are less reactive when prompted with a reminder in a more stressful setting. Symptoms brought on from a trauma event can have lasting impact on overall health, and when not dealt with properly, can negatively impact relationships and lead to withdrawal from participating in a whole and meaningful life. Trauma can be inclusive of many things, the loss of a loved one or witnessing a crime, sexual abuse, recovery from an abusive relationship, etc. The word “trauma” is used to describe experiences or situations that are emotionally painful and distressing, and that overwhelm people’s ability to cope, leaving them powerless.
Emotional Dysregulation: Have people shared with you that you over react? Perhaps even you are willing to admit that you lose control of your emotions in certain situations. Emotional dysregulation can be managed by gaining awareness of triggers and exploring more appropriate means for coping. In therapy we can track your emotional reactivity and figure out what is most helpful in supporting you to maintain progress. Perhaps you have been listening to the "inner critic" for far too long. I can teach you methods to challenge negative thinking patterns which lead to unhelpful behaviors.